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Globalisation in world / Meaning Of Globalisation

Globalisation in World/ Meaning Of Globalisation

What does Globalisation mean?

Globalisation is an irreversible and irresistible phenomenon.It is very famous all over the world.While dilating on the subject, it is important to note that globalisation not only affects us as a citizen but also as 'producer-consumer in the global economy.'In the modern contemporary world,intense debate revolves around the term 'globalisation',which is even today a continuous issue.Before exploring the concept,we should take a look over the various kinds of  definitions of the phenomenon.

Globalisation may also  be identified as "closely interrelated integration of markets in terms of goods,services and capital". It will also be defined as " gradual decay of boundaries between states through increased economic interdependence and  interlinkages can be termed as globalisation.

Examples / Types of Globalisation

An important example of globalisation is telecommunication.Telecom has made things possible.Now communication means made it so easy that an ordinary human can talk to a person who is sitting hundreds and thousands miles away on a very cheap spending.They are always interconnected.Physical distances have been made irrelevant through these communication means.It is a first mean to exchange ideas.For example facebook,one can share his ideas and in no time he will get the feedback from friends or people who are going to be affected by his idea.It is quick way to engage into trade.

Electronic media is another example of globalisation. We may say that media is the other way of pressing the world into one whole.It has become the fastest way of interrelating the world.Incident happening in one part of the world can be seen in other parts of the globe through it very quickly.It is the strongest mean of knowing and believing what is happening.

Another important example of globalisation is the internet.It is the internet which quickly and really summarises the world into a small box.Whatever you need,whatever you wish for,you can have it through the internet.There are 200 million people who are using computer in their daily life and 95% of them are using personal computer.One out of every 12 is using internet.It has something for everyone.

Moving forward,the means of transportation are also important examples of globalisation.It is a blessing for everyone in this modern contemporary world as it helps in movement of goods,services,and capital from one place to another. Aero planes have made it possible to travel from one nook of the world to the other corner in hours.Means of transportation are really helping people in development and progress.Trade between states became tge hallmark of globalization.

Merits of Globalisation

The first important merit of globalisation is a blessing of comparative adventure and interdependence. Every state is interdependence and no state can live in isolation.Globalisation also helps us in creating harmony among  different cultures.There is nothing which the other world does not know about a specific culture.Every country has institutions to read about the other cultures.It helps us to come to know the cultures of different areas of the world.The concept of globalisation is also helping us in recognising the human rights.Earlier it was the sole responsibility of the state to ensure the rights of people and no one was allowed to interfere.Every state obviously  facilitate its citizens with basic rights.It was announced by the UNO that there will be no boundary for human rights.Every child who comes in this world must enjoy all the rights.The last but not the least positive point of globalisation is free movement of capital.It allows people throughout the world to run their business wherever they want.The free activity  of capital is bridging gaps between the countries.

Demerits of Globalisation

There is a famous saying 'money begets money' the first point in this discipline is that it aims at making rich the richer and poor the poorer because of its policies.It is too much in the habit of profiting the rich.The concept of free movement of services,labour and capital with the end of trade barriers ( tariffs and subsidies) if these barriers removed from between and let these big multinational companies and others to fight with the local industry,they will eat these small companies.Globalisation basically creates discrimination between the poor and the rich which is a big fault of this concept.

The success of globalisation would depend on how different actors, that is governments,multinational institutions,private business and NGOs pursue the goals,not only globally but also collectively.

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