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Eid Ul- Adha 2022 Date/ Essay On Eid Ul - Adha

Eid ul -Adha 2022 Date/ English Meaning Of Eid Ul-Adha

What is Eid Ul-Adha / English meaning of Eid ul -adha

Eid-ul-adha is the feast of the sacrifice.It is one of the most significant festivals in islam.All over the world muslims celebrate this festival every year.Eid al-Adha is the second major Muslim festival after Eid al-Fitr.

History of Eid Ul- Adha

Eid -ul-Adha remembers the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son.According to the Quran, Ibrahim has a dream.In this dream Allah commands him to sacrifice his son Ismail.It was a symbol of obedience to God.But Satan tries to confuse Ibrahim  and wants to not win the act.After all struggle Ibrahim drives him away.

Ibrahim is about to kill Ismail,at which time Allah stops him.This sacrifice of Ibrahim becomes memorable for all muslim.For this commemoration muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha.

When is Eid Ul-Adha celebrated?

Eid-ul-adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Zilhajj according to islamic calendar.Generally,the date of this festival differs in the Gregorian calendar.The reason is the boundary of the crescent's visibility differs from the international calendar.This is also a solar calendar.

This holiday occurs after the Hajj.Hajj is one of the pillars of islam.It is an annual pilgrimage.

How to Celebrate Eid ul -Adha

In the festival of Eid-Ul-Adha muslims sacrifice an animal.Muslims can eat goat,sheep,camel,cow etc.Any kind of those animals muslims eat which is for their affordable.

Many  Muslims in the world, special livestock markets are set up for people to buy an animal for the Eid sacrifice.

This sacrifice of animals comes with an element of charity.The meat of the sacrificed animal is distributed 

 among three groups.The three groups are the person sacrificing it and their family, relatives and friends,and other poor people in need.

Along the day of Eid ul Adha muslims eat various kinds of foods.Such as meat,pulao,rice bread,semai etc.In this festival muslims come near to each other.This celebration teaches us brotherhood.

When is Eid Ul - Adha 2022?

Eid al Adha 2022 is Sunday,July 10th. The day number is 191 of the 2022 calendar year with 2 months,1 day until Eid ul- Adha 2022.This day will celebrate  the feast of sacrifice as every year in muslim lunar calendar. 


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