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Covid-19 /Coronavirus

Coronavirus / Covid-19

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a virus that causes illness in humans and animals.It is a new virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that began in China in 2019.This disease is called Covid-19 ( Coronavirus disease).

 The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 in March 2020. Coronavirus has also issued recommendations for preventing the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Types of Coronaviruses

Coronavirus subtypes are four trusted sources.These are alpha,beta,gamma and delta.Scientist use the four classifications to categorize the different species.

Seven have affected humans, among all the coronaviruses. In seven, four of these are common and cause mild illnesses in the upper and lower airways, nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs.

The other  three can cause more acute illness. They are:

 Intense respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) which led to the SARS epidemic in 2002–2003.

At the time of 2012,the Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak of MERS began.

The virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic of SARS-Cov-2.

These common four human coronaviruses typicallyTrusted Source cause mild respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold, in humans. They are:

  • 229E

  • NL63

  • OC43

  • HKU1

What do Coronaviruses look like?

Coronaviruses are simple structures.The name of coronaviruses comes from the Latin Crown. Coronaviruses are named for the peculiar presence  of their spikes.When you see them under a powerful microscope,the spikes look like a crown. They are coated and spherical with spikes of protein. These spikes benefit the virus by binding to and infecting healthy cells.These spikes are a layer of membrane.

To see  the virus the same spikes are also what allows the immune system.Bits of the spike can be used in coronavirus vaccines to rapid the body to produce antibodies against this new virus.

In the vellum is the virus’ genetic material in its genome.The genomes of some viruses like chickenpox and smallpox are made of DNA like humans.Coronaviruses are made of the closely related RNA.The new COVID-19 likely originated from bats but it is not yet known in case mutations allowed this jump from animals to humans.

How did Coronaviruses spread?

Covid-19 spreads from person to person through close communitions.

Attracted people with COVID-19 breathe out or cough.They banish tiny droplets that contain the virus. By entering these droplets can  the mouth or nose of someone without the virus, because of an infection to occur.Close communication within around 6 feet can attract people by coronaviruses. 

Other transmissions by Covid-19 are airborne transmission, surface transmission etc.Sometimes it spreads without symptoms.It is not impossible.A new search suggests that 10% of infections are from people without no symptoms.

How can you prevent Coronavirus?

For preventing the spread of coronavirus disease you can maintain the following tips.

1.Use a face mask in public places and anywhere.

2. Always maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.

3. Avoid crowded places. 

4. Socialize outdoors.

5. Take the vaccine  as soon as possible if  you are eligible.

6. Avoid sick people for closing contact.

7. Don't touch  your eyes, nose, and mouth with grimy hands.

8. Stay home when you are ill and weak.

9. Use a tissue when you will cough or sneeze.Then throw the tissue in the trash.

10. Clean your home and clothes. 

11. Wash your hands often with soap and water after any task.

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